July 17th Russian terrorists operating in Ukraine shot down a commercial boeing 777 thinking it was a Ukrainian transport aircraft AN-26.
Here are some videos of the plane crashing:
The reason why this happened is because Ukraine was trying to kick out the terrorists and soldiers Russia was sending into East-Ukraine using SU-25 fighter jets. Russia wants to do in Ukraine what it did in Crimea too: take over and annex large parts of it.
The (pro)Russian terrorists up untill last week had portable anti-air systems called MANPADs, but these are not very effective against jets. With air dominance the (pro)Russian terrorists where loosing a lot of ground. Therefore last week Russia was sending advanced air-defense systems into Ukraine to fend of the jets. These are so called BUK-M1 systems.
The Russians were bragging that they got such a system. After discovering their failure they removed all such messages, but the internet community has been able so save all. This is a tweet later deleted, that shows how the DNR brags about having a BUK (thanks to @RobPulseNews):
read this
In an interview with Reuters, Alexander Khodakovsky, commander of the Vostok Battalion, acknowledged for the first time since the airliner was brought down in eastern Ukraine on Thursday that the rebels did possess the BUK missile system.
He also indicated that the BUK may have originated in Russia and could have been sent back to remove proof of its presence.
Before the Malaysian plane was shot down, rebels had boasted of obtaining the BUK missiles, which can shoot down airliners at cruising height. But since the disaster the separatists' main group, the self-proclaimed People’s Republic of Donetsk, has repeatedly denied ever having possessed such weapons.
Since the airliner crashed with the loss of all 298 on board, the most contentious issue has been who fired the missile that brought the jet down in an area where government forces are fighting pro-Russian rebels.
Khodakovsky blamed the Kiev authorities for provoking what may have been the missile strike that destroyed the doomed airliner, saying Kiev had deliberately launched air strikes in the area, knowing the missiles were in place.
"I knew that a BUK came from Luhansk. At the time I was told that a BUK from Luhansk was coming under the flag of the LNR," he said, referring to the Luhansk People’s Republic, the main rebel group operating in Luhansk, one of two rebel provinces along with Donetsk, the province where the crash took place.
"That BUK I know about. I heard about it. I think they sent it back. Because I found out about it at exactly the moment that I found out that this tragedy had taken place. They probably sent it back in order to remove proof of its presence," Khodakovsky told Reuters on Tuesday.
"The question is this: Ukraine received timely evidence that the volunteers have this technology, through the fault of Russia. It not only did nothing to protect security, but provoked the use of this type of weapon against a plane that was flying with peaceful civilians," he said.
"They knew that this BUK existed; that the BUK was heading for Snezhnoye," he said, referring to a village 10 km (six miles) west of the crash site. "They knew that it would be deployed there, and provoked the use of this BUK by starting an air strike on a target they didn’t need, that their planes hadn’t touched for a week."
"And that day, they were intensively flying, and exactly at the moment of the shooting, at the moment the civilian plane flew overhead, they launched air strikes. Even if there was a BUK, and even if the BUK was used, Ukraine did everything to ensure that a civilian aircraft was shot down."
Washington believes that pro-Russian separatists most likely shot down the airliner "by mistake," not realizing it was a civilian passenger flight, U.S. intelligence officials said.
The officials said the "most plausible explanation" for the destruction of the plane was that the separatists fired a Russian-made SA-11 - also known as a BUK - missile at it after mistaking it for another kind of aircraft.
U.S. President Barack Obama's administration has said it is convinced the airliner was brought down by an SA-11 ground-to-air missile fired from territory in eastern Ukraine controlled by pro-Russian separatists. [ID:nL2N0PX1TW]
Other separatist leaders have said they did not bring the Malaysian plane down. Russia has denied involvement.
Khodakovsky is a former head of the "Alpha" anti-terrorism unit of the security service in Donetsk, and one of the few major rebel commanders in Donetsk who actually hails from Ukraine rather than Russia.
There has been friction in the past between him and rebel leaders from outside the region, such as Igor Strelkov, the Muscovite who has declared himself commander of all rebel forces in Donetsk province.
Khodakovsky said his unit had never possessed BUKs, but they may have been used by rebels from other units.
"The fact is, this is a theater of military activity occupied by our, let’s say, partners in the rebel movement, with which our cooperation is somewhat conditional," he said.
"What resources our partners have, we cannot be entirely certain. Was there (a BUK)? Wasn’t there? If there was proof that there was, then there can be no question."
Khodakovsky said it was widely known that rebels had obtained BUKs from Ukrainian forces in the past, including three captured at a checkpoint in April and another captured near the airport in Donetsk. He said none of the BUKs captured from Ukrainian forces were operational.
While he said he could not be certain where the BUK system operating on rebel territory at the time of the air crash had come from, he said it may have come from Russia.
"I’m not going to say Russia gave these things or didn’t give them. Russia could have offered this BUK under some entirely local initiative. I want a BUK, and if someone offered me one, I wouldn’t turn it down. But I wouldn’t use it against something that did not threaten me. I would use it only under circumstances when there was an air attack on my positions, to protect people’s lives."
He added: "I am an interested party. I am a ‘terrorist’, a ‘separatist’, a volunteer ... In any event, I am required to promote the side I represent, even if I might think otherwise, say otherwise or have an alternative view. This causes real discomfort to my soul."
(Reporting by Anton Zverev; Writing by Peter Graff; Editing by Giles Elgood)

This video shows the BUK-system that arrived just a couple of days earlier in Shnizhne. Here it is driving up to it's launch location:
The geolocation is like this:
Blue lines = field of view of cameraman
Red arrow = path and direction the BUK is driving
In Google maps:
On a larger scale:
That means the BUK was driving towards Saur-Grave WWII memorial, which is a known (pro)Russian defensive position, where for many days battle are going on. Of course this system will not be put on the front line. So it must have been postioned anywhere between where it has been spotted and Saur Grave.
Now they spotted an aircraft and they thought it was a Ukrainian AN-26, being a transport aircraft delivering supplies to the Ukrainian units trying to protect and close the border, because Russia keeps on sending heavy armor into the region.
Earlier they already had succesfully shot down such an aircraft near Lugansk. See this blog.
So they shot down the plane...
Somebody made a photo of the BUK-rocket being launched and posted it on VKontakte. The trail can be seen here:
These videos shot by local people witnessing the event show the moment the plane crashed:
This is a photo of the crash site:
It can be geolocated here near the village Grabovo:
Link to Google maps:
So the messages came in that a plane was shot down:
The Russian terrorists cheered when this happened and bragged about it on internet:
Strelkov is the Russian commander in charge of the operations in East-Ukraine, who earlier had succesfully taken over Crimea.
So some people drove to the crash site to inspect it. This is what they found:
(<-- This video is a COPY of a video from Lifenews, a Russian propaganda news agency. They removed the video later, because it compromises them. Chances are this video will also be removed, because they will try to cover up their deeds.)
Instead of protecting the area for proper investigation, THEY LOOT THE SITE!!!!
Shots of the burning engine:
This is a leaked conversation between the terrorist inspecting the site and his Russian superiors:
The reason that this is 'leaked', is because such conversations are monitored on a daily basis to gather information. Of course this is not being made public. But in this case it is important to publish it.
Now they realized their mistake they started to delete compromising messages and looking for alternative stories they could spin to lie to the world:
So check your newspaper to see if it is writing correctly. The truth is that Russians are in command of an operation in East-Ukraine with the goal to gain influence and take over parts of Ukraine. They set up local Russian speaking people against their native country with outreguous propaganda lies and they try to hide for the world that in nature this is a RUssian operation. Now that they have made a mistake, their criminal behavior is exposed to all the world...
I repeat here: A BUK-M1 system CAN NOT be operated by local volunteers who want to fight imaginary Ukrainian Nazis. It was the regular Russian army doing this, even if those are send in as 'volunteers', 'seperatists', you name it. That is only to blind you... Wake up!
Oh and take note of this: it might not be the first Malaysian airplane that the Russians have brought down... The other time was when ALL THE WORLD was looking at what happened in Crimea and all of a sudden mysteriously an entire airplane disappeared from the face of the earth... so nobody had time to look at Crimea anymore.
More to read:
Did you know Russia is using GRAD rocket launchers to fire FROM RUSSIAN TERRITORY unto Ukrainian troops that try to close the border from Russian hardware coming in? Read about it here.
Despite his efforts, Vladimir Putin is not a remake of Stalin and thus could be overthrown in a coup because he has not only violated the social contract he had with the Russian people but has with the murder of Boris Nemtsov shown that he is prepared to kill members of the elite who cross him, according to Ivan Yakovina.
As a result, the former Lenta.ru online specialist and current Ukrainian Novoye vremya correspondent says, some in the elite are already thinking that they must strike before he turns on them; and unlike Stalin, Putin won’t find it easy to prevent them from doing so and succeeding.
Putin has been trying to transform himself into the Stalin of today both by his foreign policy actions and by his moves at home, shifting from “’soft’” suppression of those who oppose him to prison and exile and now to “the physical elimination” of their leaders with the murder of Boris Nemtsov.
“The murder of a representative of the contemporary Russian ‘nobility,’ a former vice premier who was close to Boris Yeltsin and someone who was personally acquainted with many world leaders,” Yakovina says, “is a signal to all representatives of this class, the highly-placed bureaucrats, the oligarchs near the throne and the many-starred generals.”
Until Nemtsov’s murder, “the unwritten rules” or more precisely “understandings” included the idea that once you entered the very highest circles, you might suffer if you crossed the Kremlin leader but you would not lose your life and your relatives would not lose theirs either.
“In Russia where human life is cheap,” the commentator says, “such a privilege is worth a lot.” And Nemtsov’s murder calls that into question for those around Putin himself, none of whom believe the tales the regime has put about concerning who is to blame. Those tales, Yakovina says, are “for ‘the 86 percent’ and the West.”
Russia’s “ministers, oligarchs and generals understand perfectly who in fact did away with the politician … and from now on, anyone suspected of disloyalty could be next.” That has to worry them because “the occasions for such suspicions are becoming ever greater,” the analyst suggests.
Russia’s “ministers, oligarchs and generals understand perfectly who in fact did away with the politician … and from now on, anyone suspected of disloyalty could be next.”
Many have talked about the ways in which the violation of the social contract between Putin and the population have occurred, but this violation of the one between the Kremlin leader and the top elite is much more serious, at least as far as the politics in Moscow in the coming days, weeks and months are concerned.
Putin’s “legitimacy” in their eyes is disappearing, and many of them – and not just the opposition but his most active supporters in the past – are now talking about the risks to themselves and what they should do to prevent him from acting against him as he has against Nemtsov.
Obviously, Putin is concerned about this. “In recent times, he has become paranoid in his fears of an attack,” Yakovina says. He has increased his guard force, he has reduced the circle with who he is in contact, and he has “almost ceased to appear in public.” And viewed from Putin’s perspective, killing Nemtsov was a way to increase his personal security.
That is because, the analyst continues, “in an atmosphere of total terror and general suspiciousness, it will be much more difficult for the elites to organize a conspiracy.” But it won’t be impossible because “building a wall against a putsch in contemporary Russia is not so simple.”
“The main problem is that Putin is not Stalin,” Yakovina says. He is only a pale copy of the original. Moreover, he is surrounded by a different kind of elite, something that will mean that the use of repression will not have the same consequences for him as it did for the Soviet dictator.
“In the Russian elite” now, he continues, there are a large number of willful and energetic people who emerged from “’the wild ‘90s’ not only alive but also extremely cruel and successful.” Such people are unlikely to sit idly by and wait until they follow Nemtsov into the grave.
Instead, Yakovina says, they are going to focus on the source of their “financial and political problems and the threat to their security and the cause of Western sanctions.” That source has a name – Vladimir Putin – and ever more of them are going to want him out of the way.